
Slow, but steady progress on the Front-end Overhaul as well as Chapters v2. Moreover, two new sites has been added - Sugar Babies and Alpha Scans

This month has been quite slow on progress due to various personal reasons. But I've tried to do as much work as I could given the limited time. Most of my energy went into finishing Front-end Overhaul, which is very close to completion now. I've also added two new supported sites, bringing us to almost 30 supported sites overall.

For the full list of changes, you can always find them in the Changelog ->


Front-end Overhaul

The work has been going slowly, but steadily. As mentioned, it's a complete change of the underlying engine, so a lot of changes needed to be made. If you want to find out more details about what's being included, you can check it out in the previous updates:


As of this writing, I've finished porting everything and updating the UI components, so all that's left to do is fixing the tests, optimising the performance and just cleaning up everything, which is still plenty. Check out the overview below of all the changes happening. As can be seen, a whopping 21000+ lines of code have been removed and 9000+ added. These changes touched almost every file in the project 😅

With that in mind, I anticipate finishing it in another week or two, after which I'll be able to do rapid progress on the Chapters v2 work, so it'll get really exciting soon.

🌐 New sources & Admin updates

To try and not go crazy with the scope of changes for the Front-end Overhaul, I've been working on minor other updates that don't relate to UI. First of all, two new sites have been added

Apart from new sites, I've been refining the algorithms for adding new sites in general - improving how covers are getting fetched for a particular subset of sites and also adding the ability to quickly fetch all series for any site, which will make integrating new sites faster as well as monitoring existing ones easier.

📈 Progress Overview

Nothing changed compared to last month - I am still full steam ahead on finishing Front-end Overhaul, which should take another week or two, after which I will move to add finishing touches for the Chapters v2 work, which is also close to being finished. So expect next month to be filled with new releases!

Current focus:

  1. Front-end Overhaul

  2. Chapters V2

  3. Bug hunting and fixing

Take care and I'll see you all next month 👋

Last updated