👥User Profile v1
Overview of Profile functionality, from privacy settings and friendship system to statistics and activity
Last updated
Overview of Profile functionality, from privacy settings and friendship system to statistics and activity
Last updated
There are multiple ways of customising your profile, with more planned for the future. The most basic functionality is, of course, setting your avatar. Moreover, if you have a Premium Lite subscription, you can set an animated avatar and a custom banner.
Furthermore, you can control the visibility of your profile through 3 distinct privacy settings -> Private, Friends Only and Public. If your profile is private or friends-only, either nobody or only your friends will be able to see your profile, while the rest will only see your avatar and banner when visiting your page, as shown here:
Finally, one more privacy option you have, is completely hiding specific entries -> when selecting Hidden in Entry options, nobody, including your friends, will see this series in your Library or Activity Feed. Of course, you will still see them yourself when visiting your profile.
This is the most important section of anyone's profile. Separated into 3 sub-sections, you'll find your Basic Information (e.g. friends), Activity Feed and Top Level Stats.
By clicking on the row of friends, you can view the full list of friends you or others have, as long as that information is public. This is also where you can quickly remove any of the friends you have, without having to visit their profile.
Activity Feed shows your day-to-day activity -> whether it's the series and chapters you read, people you have added as friends and more. Profiles and Series have links to their respective pages, so you can quickly jump in to view them.
On your profile page, you can also remove any of the activities, if for some reason you don't want them to be shared. Simply press the dropdown button and then Delete.
While there is going to be a comprehensive Statistics page, you can view the most crucial information on the Overview page. It's broken down into Reading Status, Content Type and your top 6 most tracked Genres / Tags.
Possibly the most requested feature for the longest time, you can now view others' library, provided their profile is not private. The library itself displays a gorgeous cover grid, with the last chapter read information overlaid when available.
You can also use the same filters as you'd find in Advanced Search, allowing you to filter by reading status, content type, genres/tags as well as sort by a few common options. Of course, filtering itself will also be added to the Dashboard in the near future, but for now, it's only available from this view.
This is only the beginning of Profiles and Social Features as a whole. When it comes to your profile, you will eventually be able to showcase your favourite series, authors and more. You will also be able to more easily share specific subset of series you like, through what I call Social Collections.
But most near-term functionality is going to be Statistics - the page currently simply shows it's under development, but when it is finished, you'll be able to dive deep into a ton of different stats, like breakdowns of favourite tags as genres, overlap with friends and the wider community, and more.